EYFS New Starters
Welcome to Three Trees EYFS!
We are delighted that you are considering sending your child to our school.
We would love to share our setting with you and show you all that Three Trees Academies has to offer.
Our open mornings for parents and carers to come and view our EYFS setting are being held on:
Wednesday 9th October at 9:30am
Wednesday 23rd October at 9:30am
Wednesday 17th November at 9:30am
Wednesday 27th November at 9:30am
These visits will last no longer than an hour.
We are also excited to offer two 'stay and play' sessions.
If you would like to book onto a parent open morning or a stay and play session (or both!) please contact the school office on office@threetrees.risemat.co.uk or call 01283 217675.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
The Three Trees EYFS team.