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Aspire, Belong, Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


The Local Governing Committee


Working in partnership, The Three Trees Governors are committed to securing the best possible education for every child in our school. The Governors work strategically with the Trust, Headteacher and staff to agree school priorities, improve standards and provide a range of challenge and support which enables all of our children to "flourish" and "succeed".


The Local Governing Committee meet every half term to discuss and agree the strategic direction of the school and review progress. They regularly carry out monitoring visits in to ensure the school provides the highest quality provision, the most cost-effective resources and achieves the best outcomes for the children.


More information about the governance of RISE Multi-Academy Trust can be found here. 

Who are our Governors?


Mr Peter Massey



Co-Opted Governor

Appointed 31.12.2020

Mrs Angela Shepherd

Parent Governor

Appointed 16.10.2022

Mrs Kate Clamp

Parent Governor

Appointed 02.05.2023


Miss Lauren Galpin

Pupil Premium Link Governor

Staff Governor

Appointed 02.02.2021


Mark Eydman


Clerk to Governors

Mr Phil Poynton


Associate Member

Assistant Head to the Junior School

Appointed by virtue of post held in school


You may contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Stephen Taylor, via the school office. Please mark any correspondence clearly for Mr Taylor’s attention and the office will make sure it is forwarded to him immediately.

Register of Financial and Business Interests - Reviewed Sept. 2023

All School Governors are required to declare any interests they may have, which may result in a conflict of interests when decisions are being made by the Governing Committee.  This includes: ownership of a company or organisation which may supply goods or services to the school, a close relationship with someone who may provide goods or services to the school, a close relationship with someone who is employed by the school, or being a Governor or staff member at another school.

The following interests have been declared by our Governors:

Mr Stephen Taylor – South Derbyshire District Councillor and Woodville Parish Councillor


Meeting Attendance 22-23
Name Role 15.02.23 29.03.23 03.05.23
Stephen Taylor Chair Present Present Present  
Blossom Thompson Foundation Present Present Present  
Claudette Banks Co-Opted Present Present Present  
Malcolm Gee Co-Opted Present Present Present  
Angela Shepherd Parent Present Present Present  
Lauren Galpin Staff Present Present Present  
Wayne Simmons(Resigned) Associate Present Present Present  
Phil Poynton Associate Present Present Present  
Jo Westaby EHT   Present Present  
Kate Clamp Co-Opted   Present Present  
Nicola Cornell (Resigned) Co-Opted   Present Present  
Peter Massey Co-Opted Present   Present