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Aspire, Belong, Achieve

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Welcome to The Three Trees Academies. 

We are made up of The Three Trees Infant Academy and The Three Trees CE Junior Academy.  We are situated in Woodville, Swadlincote and have just under 600 children on roll.  Both schools joined RISE multi academy trust on September 1st 2023. Our schools are situated in large, pleasant grounds and we have a number of outdoor play facilities including a ball court, gym equipment, four playgrounds and a pirate ship!  We have 3 classes in each year group, our classrooms are bright, inviting and exciting places to learn.  

Our vision and ambition for the pupils, staff and schools is based on three words

Aspire, Belong, Achieve.

These link to the Christian folktale of The Three Trees which is also the inspiration behind the
new name for our schools.

Aspire - we are aspirational for every pupil, member of staff and for the schools themselves. We have big dreams in the knowledge that we have been created for a good plan and purpose.

Belong - we belong to our families, the community, the schools and the multi academy trust. Our junior school also belongs to the Diocese of Leicester and the Church of England. We are not on our own, we all have different talents, skills, and abilities that are valued and nurtured.

Achieve - we are ambitious for every pupil, adult and the schools to be successful. We are committed to ensuring every pupil has the knowledge and skills they need, to have choices in their lives and to flourish and succeed

We hope you enjoy browsing our website, please contact us if you have any questions or wish to come and have a look around.

Kind regards

Mrs Jo Westaby

Executive Headteacher